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What is Epilepsy?


Epilepsy is a disease of the nervous system characterized by repeated seizures that have no immediate cause. Epileptic seizures are caused by a functional disorder in the physical brain. 

Types of Seizures:

  • Partial Seizures

    • Seizure activity in one area of the brain​

  • Generalized Seizures​

    • Seizure activity throughout the entire brain​

Seizure First Aid:

Seizures cannot be stopped, so your job is to keep the individual experiencing one safe. 


  1. Stay calm and let the seizure take its course

  2. Time the seizure

  3. Protect them from injury by easing them to the floor and placing something soft under their head

  4. Loosen any tight clothing around their neck and remove glasses

  5. DO NOT restrain the person

  6. DO NOT put anything in their mouth

  7. Gently roll them once their seizure eases, to allow fluids from their mouth to flow out

  8. When they begin regaining consciousness, reassure them that they’ve just had a seizure and stay with them

Excellent resources on epilepsy and seizure disorders:
Click the images to access the sites


Facts about Epilepsy including:

  • Definition

  • Signs and Symptoms

  • Rates of Disease

  • Causes

  • Treatment

  • Prevention

  • Social and Economic Impacts

  • Human Rights


Challenges with Epilepsy including:

  • Seizure Emergencies

  • Injuries and Illnesses

  • Thinking and Memory

  • Moods and Behaviour

  • Bone Health

  • Sleep and Epilepsy

  • Social Concerns

  • Risks During Pregnancy


Seizure First Aid:

  • Whether to call 911

  • First Aid for Various Types of Seizures

  • DOs and DON'Ts

  • Training for Professionals

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